List of Patents
List of Patents:
- US. Patent 4,578,115 dated 3/25/1986—“ Aluminum and Cobalt coated Thermal Spray Powder”
- US.Patent 4,559,270 dated 7/8/1986—“Zirconium Oxide Powder containing Ceria and Yttria”
- US.Patent 4,578,114 dated 3/25/1986—“Aluminum and Yttria Coated Thermal Spray Powder”
- US.Patent 4,692,305 dated 9/8/1987—Corrosion and Wear Resistant Alloy, Nickel/Cobalt based”
- US.Patent 4,725,508 dated 2/16/1988 – “Flame sprayable Carbide Powders Containing copper additives”
- US.Patent 4,822,415 dated 4/18/1989 –“Thermal Spray Iron Alloy powder containing Molybdenum , Copper and Boron”
- US.Patent 5,140,005 dated 8/18/1992 – Ceramic super conductive powder”
- US.Patent 5,196,471 dated 3/23/1993 – Thermal Spray Powders for Abradable Coatings containing solid lubricants and Methods of Fabricating Abradable coatings”
- US.Patent 5,262,206 dated 11/16/1993 –Method of making an Abradable Material by Thermal Spraying”
- Canadian Patent 1329064 dated 5/3/1994 – Abradable Coating and it’s method of Manufacture”
- US.Patent 5,631, 044 dated 5/20/1997 –“ Method of preparing Binder free clad powders”
- US.Patent 5,530,050 dated 6/25/1996 – “Thermal Spray Abradable powder for very high temperature Applications”
- US.Patent 5,385,789 dated 1/31/1995 – “ Composite Powders for Thermal Spray Coating”
- European Patent 487,273 B1 dated 14.06.95 “ “Thermal Spray Powder”
- US. Patent 6,197,437 B1 dated 3/6/2001 “ Casting Alloys and Method of Making Composite Barrels used in Extrusion and Injection Molding”
- Four Pending applications (New Braze Filler metal compositions)
PUBLICATIONS (incomplete list)
PUBLICATIONS (incomplete list)
- Rangaswamy, S.Safai, H.Herman – “ Thermal Expansion Study of Plasma Sprayed Oxide Coatings” Thin Solid Films 73 (1980) P.43-52
- Ravishankar, C.Berndt, H.Herman, S.Rangaswamy – “ Acoustic Emission from Thermally Cycled Oxide Coatings” Ceramic Bulletin, May 1983
- Rangaswamy, F.Longo – “ Thermally Sprayed Ceramic Coatings” Proc. OEM Design Show and Conference, Philadelphia 1985
- Rangaswamy, F.Longo – “Performance of Ceramic Coatings” Materials Engineering, Oct 1985, P.51
- Rangaswamy, H.Herman – “ Metallurgical Characteristics of Plasma Sprayed WC-Co Coatings” Proc. Int Thermal Spray Conference, Montreal, 1986
- Harrington, S.Rangaswamy – Plasma Sprayed Aluminum-Yttria containing Ferrochrome and Nichrome Coatings” ASM (1984) Conference at Hilton Head, South Carolina
- Xao-Xi-Guo, H.Herman, S.Rangaswamy – “ Cavitation Erosion of Plasma Sprayed WC-Co” Of Int. Thermal Spray Conference, Montreal, 1986
- Rangaswamy, S.Safai, H.Herman – “ Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Oxide coatings” Proc. Of International Thermal Expansion conference, Washington DC (1981)
- Sampath, H.Herman, S.Rangaswamy –Nickel-Aluminum Re-evaluated” Proc. of First National Thermal Spray Conference, Orlando, (1987)
- Novinski, S.Rangaswamy –“ Thermal Sprayed Abradable coatings” Proc. of First National Thermal Spray Conference, Orlando (1987)
- Rangaswamy, J.Harrington –“ Advanced Exothermic Composites” 1st Perkin Elmer Technical Symposium” 1984 ( Perkin Elmer Private)
- Rangaswamy, M.Magida – “Laser Surface Modification of Thermal Sprayed Coatings” 4th Perkin Elmer technical Symposium, 1987 (PE Private)
- Rangaswamy – “ Novel Corrosion and Wear Resistant Coatings” 4th Perkin Elmer Technical Symposium, 1987 (PE Private)
- Neiser, J.Kirkland, W.T.Elam, H.Herman, S.Rangaswamy – Electrical, Chemical, and structural Properties of Plasma Sprayed Y-Ba-Cu-Oxide superconducting coatings” Proceeding of MRS Meeting, Boston, Nov/Dec 1987
- A.Nieser, S.Rangaswamy, J.P.Kirkland, H.Herman, W.T.Elam,D.Sbare,
“ Structure-Processing-Property Relationships in Thermal Sprayed Superconducting Oxide Coatings” 1988 National Thermal Spray Conference, Cincinnati, USA
- Wilber, J.Reardon, S.Rangaswamy – “Development of Plasma Sprayed Superconductors for Microwave applications.
- Magida, K.E.Daniel, S.Rangaswamy, X.X.Guo, H.Herman “Laser treated Plasma sprayed Nickel base Alloys” 1988 National Thermal Spray Conference, Cincinnati
- Sampath, H.Herman, S.Rangaswamy “ EXAFS studies on Plasma Spray Quenched materials” Annual Report, National Synchrotron Light source, Brookhaven National laboratory (1987)
- A.Kushner, S.Rangaswamy, A.J.Rotolico “ Thermal Spray Powders- manufacturing Methods and Quality control Procedures” Proceedings of 1st Plasma Technik Symposium, Lucerne, Switzerland (May 1988)
- A.Kushner, S.Rangaswamy, A.J.Rotolico “ Powder Manufacturing processes and Quality Control Procedures as related to Thermal Spray Coatings” Proceedings of ATTAC International Symposium, Osaka, Japan (1988)
- Sampath, G.A.Bancke, H.Herman, S.Rangaswamy “Plasma Sprayed Nickel Aluminum Coatings” Surface Engineering, 1989 Vol 5, No.4, P 293
- Heidi Filmer, Jorg Hochstrasser, A.R.Nicoll, S.Rangaswamy “Plasma Spray Depsoition of Alumina based Ceramic Coatings” Ceramic Bulletin Vol 69, No.12, 1990
- A.Miller, S.Rangaswamy. M.O.Borel, A.R.Nicoll- “ A New Engineered Abradable Seal Coating- Properties and performance” Proceedings of 3rd National Thermal Spray Conference, California, 1990 (P.125)
- Rangaswamy, R.Schmid “Advances in Abradable Coatings for Gas Turbines” National Thermal Spray Conference, Boston, 1994
- Rangaswamy, R.Schmid “ Recent developments in High temperature Abradable Coatings” Proc of ICMC, San Diego, April 1994.
- Rangaswamy, Deni Fortuna “ New Braze Filler Metals for Automotive Heat Exchangers and Catalytic Converter applications” ITSC 2007-Beijing